
Customer Testimonial

Mike –

A brief thank you.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you scored a ten! Your professional help in selling my husband’s collection made it stress free. From advice to mailing boxes, evaluating the coins and very prompt payments – you did it all! Thank you.

N.F., Alaska

Customer Testimonial

For the better part of three years I had considered selling my collection of numismatic material but just couldn’t bring myself to contact a buyer because of the horror stories surrounding the experiences of others wanting (or needing) to liquidate some assets.
Finally, after becoming a retiree, I began to seriously evaluate the advertisements of the numerous “so-called” top dollar purchasers. I decided to put intrinsic specifics aside and focus on longevity, reputation, knowledge and references for the necessary characteristics to choose a coin dealer.
After contacting you and talking about details of our potential transaction, I proceeded to forward my carefully packed box to your office the following day. Within the week, I received a phone call from you outlining the examination results pertaining to my collection, and an offer that came within a few dollars of my highest expectations. We consummated the deal and I received your check the next day by overnight mail! Unbelievable!
Thank you for your quick service, honest offer and outstanding courtesy. I hope to meet you in person in the next several months.

D.A., Colorado

Customer Testimonial

I would personally like to thank you for the professional manner in which you conducted the purchase of my coin collection. Not too many dealers I have encountered would have gone to the lengths that you did to get the best price for my collection. Many dealers would have given me the “this is my best offer, take it or leave it” response. You probably felt I was being unrealistic asking for $20-25,000, but you were willing to take my coins to the Maryland show and shop them around. As you said, my coins were in the right place at the right time, and I have you to thank for that. It was refreshing to do business with someone as honest as you.”

B.P. California

Customer Testimonial

I do feel I made the right decision and I would recommend anyone selling coins to contact Nachbar Rare Coins and let them handle the sale. They are knowledgable, professional, meticulous and honest.

Mrs. P.W. Florida

Customer Testimonial

We received a bid of $201,540 from the top regional firm, a bid of $223,322 from the top national firm, and the high bid of $282,155 from Mr. Nachbar. The high bid was 26% over the next highest bid… I found them to be extremely professional, friendly and easy to work with. I highly recommend their services.

D.M.B. Michigan